
Archive for the ‘hypothyroid’ Category

*Please read the comments below this article as they are up-to-date and express health concerns (regarding the thyroid) that may help you … 

If you are feeling hyper, getting heart palpitations, unable to unwind, insomnia or breaking out in a sweat for seemingly no reason, this may be a signal of a hyperthyroid condition. On the other hand, if you feel exhausted, experience insomnia, your skin is drying out, hair is falling out and “crash and burn” about 3PM everyday, these are symptoms of a hypothyroid. ~ Medical Astrology ~ Eileen Nauman

We all know stress in our lives can affect the health of our bodies. How we handle stress and react to it influences every cell in our body. The throat area of the human anatomy is comprised of the esophagus, the pharynx, the larynx, trachea, tonsils, thyroid and parathyroid glands. Energetically this is the center of how we express, listen and assert our will out into the world.

“If you struggle to communicate–whether the difficulty is not listening to others or not expressing yourself effectively–you likely have health issues in the areas of the mouth, neck and thyroid…people with thyroid problems are frequently very intuitive but are unable to voice what they see because they too often struggle to keep the peace or win people’s approval.” ALL IS WELL ~ Louise L. Hay and Mona Lisa Schulz M.D. Ph.D. 

There is a list of health related issues regarding problems with the thyroid, for instance, when the thyroid is underactive, and undetected, in time the whole body becomes hypoactive, which literally means the whole body becomes underactive.  One of the first things the body does when the thyroid is underactive a.k.a hypothyroidism, is it reduces blood supply to the skin to conserve energy.  When this happens we perspire less, toxins can’t find a way out and our skin loses its radiance as well as develops blemishes, acne and other skin problems.  Try as you may to treat your skin with expensive creams and tonics, if the thyroid isn’t considered, there won’t be much of a change.

(The skin is our largest sense organ, symbolizing our sensitivity and our self-worth.  Metaphysically it is called ‘the body of the soul’.  It’s also known to symbolize birth and rebirth as its cells are constantly regenerating….we form a new skin once a month.)

The skin is the body of the soul; Eastern healers often refer to it as the ‘third lung’. Imagine, a tiny piece of skin about the size of a quarter contains 3 feet of blood vessels, 12 feet of nerves, 25 nerve cells, 100 sweat glands, and more than 3,000,000 cells; phew, that’s quite a complex team working 24/7.

Metaphysically, it is said that people who suffer from eczema and psoriasis are ‘weeping through their skin’.  With skin problems, some sorrow needs to be expressed, a sorrow for some reason was held in and silenced. So the sorrow manifested itself in painful or irritating rashes. ***

“Thyroid; The Thyroid represents the communication between the Head and the Heart. Thyroid problems most often represent a lack of or miscommunication between what one thinks and one’s Truth. Problems may also represent a lack of ability to speak up for one’s self. **
Dep Shapiro, author of “Your Body Speaks Your Mind”, talks of the Bodymind dialogue: Hypothyroidism……..
“The thyroid gland’s proximity to the voice box is most interesting, as hypothyroidism can be due to having spent many years “swallowing” or “stifling” your words or needs, until you are unable to fully express yourself. This is fairly typical for women who easily put others’ needs ahead of their own and whose views or opinions are often deemed less important. If this is the case, then finding your voice and learning to express your thoughts and feelings are vital. 

  • Are you able to speak up for yourself?
  • Does your partner make all the decisions?
  • Do you always put other people first, even denying your own needs?

Energy in the throat chakra affects the function of everything from ears to upper chest, the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the trachea and cervical (neck) vertebrae, temporal mandibular joint (TMJ), nose and ears, and mouth (including lips, teeth, and gums).  In fact, the Throat chakra energy flows through all different kinds of expression. 

Louise Hay, author of “You Can Heal Your Life” says that Thyroid function has to do with self-expression, but specifically about “having my turn” to do so.  She also mentions that the throat area is connected with “our ability to speak up for ourselves, ask for what we want”, and if we shy away from what we want, this “usually means we do not feel we have the right to these things.” 

Her affirmation: “I move beyond old limitations, and now allow myself to express freely and creatively.”

When we can’t express our needs to ourselves or to other people, our internal parts start fighting one another and our inner sense of spirit or inspiration fades .. we feel cut off, alone .. bringing into our auric field, lessons that need to be learned.  
Stored unfelt emotions are like unruly children they just want to be heard. If they aren’t heard your unfelt emotions will start creating noise and disruption in the form of physical and emotional symptoms. If you’re not sure if you’re feeling emotional about something , take a deep breath and check within yourself .. ask .. if you have any signs of repressed emotions such as : chronic fatigue, muscle pain, depression, irritability, stomach pain, IBS, tight throat, TMJ, etc… 

Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa, who’s written several books with Cameron Stauth and devoted his life to Medical Yoga and Meditation, gives us yet another observation of the throat/fifth chakra…….

“One of the most fascinating results of fifth-chakra distress that I have observed clinically is a loss of the so-called twinkle in the eye. It’s hard to define exactly what that spark in the eye is, because it’s a rather amorphous physical condition. It is not simple clarity of the sclera, nor focus of the pupil. Nonetheless, almost anyone can recognize it, and most people are attracted by it…..

Since the fifth chakra, or throat chakra, governs the thyroid gland, it would seem possible that the lack of a twinkle in the eye is merely a reflection of low levels of the stimulating thyroid hormones, T-3 and T-4. However, I believe the truth lies deeper. I think that when the throat chakra is dysfunctional, it robs us of the proverbial spark of life that ignites the twinkle in the eye.”  MEDITATION AS MEDICINE: Activate the Power of Your Natural Healing Force ~ Dharma Singh Khalsa, Cameron Stauth

Dharma Singh Khalsa sees the throat chakra as a meeting place or ‘nexus’ for upward bound energies from the lower chakras and downward-bound energies from the upper chakras. It is the throat area where these energies swirl, mix, break-down and come together, “expressed as one’s voice, as the special, original, signature sound of each person”.

A healthy thyroid provides strength to the digestive tract, the arms, the throat, jaws, neck, and the upper arms. It symbolizes self-expression, reflection, and self examination, often interpreted as hearing one’s inner voice. It is calming, lowers blood pressure and decreases respiration. It enhances communication and decision-making.

Within the power of the Throat Chakra, the thyroid strengthens the body, When balanced it strengthens creative self expression, it combats physical dysfunctions in the throat, mouth and voice problems, gum and tooth problems.

Words have a tremendous effect on the body and mind. Silently reciting or chanting a mantra activates a large group of nerves in the throat area, and the creative power of the thyroid gland. The current of sound (thought by the heart and spoken by the tongue) then flows to the thymus gland, stimulating the body’s nervous system.

One of the many issues surrounding hypothyroidism,  that I’ve come to know, is a blocked “voice”. There are many of us who were brought up to be quiet, good little children…when emotionally excited, we were told to “shush” and “be quiet”. Growing up it felt wrong when we wanted to speak, to share and express our own feelings/opinions and to comfortably voice them.

Working with people suffering from a blocked thyroid, the one thing I’ve noticed, in a healing, is an emotional release in the throat area, for example, coughing, clearing the throat, sighs, groans, tears, sobs, expressively talking….

Anodea Judith, author of Eastern Body, Western Mind, believes a child who is forced to keep secrets has to carry burdens which holds back the spontaneity of free-flowing speech. Negative experiences can cause a person to deny or repress a part of their truth, usually out of fear, or *shame, and it puts the whole person’s breathing pattern and auric field out of whack. Children forced to keep silent about domestic violence or substance abuse in the family for example, live with a ‘lock’ on their throat chakra, becoming hyper-vigilant, guarded, and separate from what Judith calls the ‘spontaneous, streaming vibration that marks true aliveness’. In short, they are unable to live fully in their truth.

(*Shame is a deep feeling within us of being exposed and unworthy.  When we feel shame we want to hide. We hang our heads, stoop our shoulders, curve inwards and try to make ourselves invisible.  Emotional abuse is a very shaming experience and those of us who have experienced it, feel humiliated and degraded by the experience.)

So, as an adult, you may have trouble being understood by others when you first meet.  Because you lack the spontaneity of speech, the way you speak can confuse or rub people the wrong way. If you lack self-confidence or feel overly nervous, it can show in your words and your body language. Usually adults who’ve had traumas with their 5th chakra, suffer from a lowered self-image which makes them overcompensate, thus sounding insincere or desperate to others. With all the ‘natural’ talent you have inside, just waiting to be accepted and expressed, this can be a very frustrating way to live. The remedy is to take yourself seriously without becoming too serious. Humor and laughter are vital ingredients of your personality. They provide the “finishing touch” to genuine healing.

Conscious breathing will also help to calm your nervous system and overwrought emotions. When we are tense our breathing is short and shallow, we feel it in our chest…when we are relaxed, our breathing is deep and easy, located in our belly.  Most people aren’t aware there is a direct relationship between our emotions and our breathing.  When we are tense, frightened or angry, our breathing is short, shallow and in our chest.  When we are relaxed our breathing is easy, deep and down into our abdomen….this is the breathing of relaxation.

“The diaphragm moves downward as we breathe in, creating a motion, a wave from the lower thoracic (spine) region into the abdominal and pelvic cavities. If we feel happy, excited, or angry, these emotions create an expansion of energy! Our lungs then come into play expanding outward and then contracting. As they contract our feelings pass through our communication center giving expression to our emotions and thoughts. The whole chakra system lights up and dances to the hum of pulsing, whirling, interconnecting lights. We express ourselves freely and openly…..if angered, we release built up tension.

But if we’re in pain, ill, lethargic or sad, our emotions become suppressed, our bodies contract creating restricted and rigid movements.. Breathing becomes difficult and shallow, our blood suffers from the loss of its normal circulation of oxygen. Our bodies become stressed and toxic. We hold back or conceal our thoughts and feelings. Our attention drifts in and out, stimulated only by sudden sounds which draw us back for a brief moment.” (from a previous blog Techniques In Breaking Through Mental and Emotional Barriers)

When we are in touch with our own internal thoughts and feelings, we are much closer to ourselves.  Singing, chanting, humming, helps us to identify and become aware of our feelings. 

“As the throat is the center of creativity, it is imperative that you give yourself permission to design your own life the way you need to live it. Experience life without guilt, retribution, or fear you are a trouble to others. Learn to accept openly and with love all that you create, including any decisions you generate. You will then be able to connect with your individuality.” Your Body Is Telling You: LOVE YOURSELF ~ Lise Bourbeau

To help bring out, and amplify your own voice, try humming, chanting, singing, writing, even digitally recording your own voice—this can help to identify and become aware of your own feelings.  Wearing the color blue worn around the neck, either in a scarf, a necklace, crystals, a turtleneck etc. can help to balance the throat chakra.

“…healing the fifth chakra involves a variety of levels simultaneously, ranging from physical to mental. It includes eliminating sound pollution, giving attention to our bodies, opening the voice through toning, chanting, or singing, learning clear communication skills, and quieting ourselves enough to listen to the subtler vibrations and
messages within.” Eastern Body Western Mind ~ Anodea Smith

There are several medical intuitives and healers with similar interpretations to help us understand ourselves better. What I believe Dep Shapiro, Louise Hay and many others are saying is that the Power of the Word working through the thyroid definitely stirs up a tremendous energy in the body. Then the outflow of this power must be creative energy. But in what form? Does this mean we can consciously and deliberately activate Power, Life and Vitality through our spoken word? Do all thyroid problems center on this premise? Let’s look at some case studies and see if we can discover what really short circuits the thyroid and depletes or destroys its resources. Then we come back and answer the above question. From my observation, Hypothyroid people have a tendency to deny or “play down” their emotions – how they really feel. They want to give the appearance that everything is o.k., even when it’s not. Others can be impressed with the way the hypo person seems to bounce back from adversity as if nothing ever happened. Until they get to know the hypo person better…. Eventually their friends, family, associates realize that they have been holding all that emotion IN instead of expressing it and allowing it to leave their body.



“I have come to believe that we create our life stories to express buried emotions. For example, if you are often disappointed, then you are probably acting out disappointment that you experienced in childhood. You need the disappointment in the present time period in order to express the old emotions.” Joan Sotkin 

When I met Megan, we sat down and talked a bit about herself and her health. She’d been on her own spiritual journey for the last 10 years and felt the more she advanced in her studies the lonelier she was becoming.  She also felt distanced from her own people.  “My family and I don’t have that much in common anymore…it’s not that I don’t love them, I just can’t be myself with them…I don’t ‘feel at home’ anymore.”

Much of what Megan and I discussed was confidential but something she did allow me to express to you was a part of her astrological chart (natal) especially the placement of Pluto.  Megan has Pluto in her 4th house and when I talked to her about the lessons and challenges of this placement she was astounded.  I led her to a book called “Pluto The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul (Volume 1)” by Jeff Green.  For Pluto in the 4th house, Jeff Green is quoted as saying….

“…….most individuals……will choose to be born into family situations wherein one or both parents produce a variety of emotional shocks that force the individual back in upon him or herself…..about eighty percent of Fourth House Pluto individuals have had a series of prior-life experiences in which their emotional needs have not been successfully met by one or both of their parents.  They will come into this life with those unconscious memories and, in many cases will again be born into an environmental/parental situation in which their individuality and emotional needs are not recognized or met……..In varying degrees of magnitude, these individuals will have emotional problems directly linked to a feeling of not being sufficiently nurtured, appreciated or understood for who they are as individuals.” JEFF GREEN

“I always used to be a rescuer” Megan explained, “running to friends and family when they needed a shoulder to cry on….but I noticed it was a never-ending cycle of the same thing, over and over again. Trying to give others a different perspective meant dealing with the pain themselves……and some of my friends, especially family didn’t want to let go and see the truth……they just wanted to complain!”

Megan’s distress was not new to me. I’ve seen this happen to others and to myself too. It was as if we were born into a family where we didn’t belong. No matter how hard we tried to conform and meet their approval of how we should act or who we should be, it wasn’t enough. We’d suck in our emotions and feelings to keep the peace, but the more we did this the more we gave our power over to others, causing our whole bodily system to suffer.

Our aura and physical body can only hold a given amount of past experiences, once it can’t hold anymore, they must be released. If you don’t consciously release them your body will find a way — either through words, an illness, or even an accident (Just imagine all your life experiences hanging on to you for dear life – then suddenly you get hit in the head with a baseball, the sudden jolt causes some of your life experiences to go hurling into space while the others still hang on tight!)

Words are a quick and easy release. Your thoughts are energy and speaking them releases some of this energy. Megan told me she didn’t realize how stressed out she had become because she couldn’t be herself. All her emotions and feelings would well up inside her. “I could FEEL them well up in my solar plexus, come right up my throat and out of my mouth. I am totally out of control when this happens. And when it does it creates more havoc in my life. The only solution for me was to distance myself from my family….in that process I also lost those who I thought were my friends.”

Megan suffered from hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue and osteoporosis. Losing the love and respect of her family had a bearing on her skeletal system. She lacked a strong sense of backing (support) from her family……she didn’t feel safe when she was with them. She felt rejected, abandoned, hurt, angry and frustrated.

Normally when a treatment (massage, reiki, acupressure) begins the patient lies on a massage table and is able to consciously relax some of their muscles. Megan’s muscles were tight and more tense than they should have been. A muscle that is continuously tense eventually becomes painful. Wherever there is an uneven pull of muscles, our bones will suffer too. Inflammation develops in the surrounding tissue which puts stress on our bones causing them to eventually start to deteriorate. Megan was on constant alert (flight/flight response) from old patterns of threatened attacks—instead of disassociating herself, letting them go, she was absorbing it.

The body doesn’t judge an event as good or bad or appropriate….it responds to all outer stimuli from a data base (memory bank) that’s been programmed in it for its survival at the moment. Megan was, although not consciously aware of it, keeping her body in a defensive mode from events of her past. Her memory patterns were keeping her body in an up-tight survival mode rather than allowing it to respond naturally to events happening around her at the moment. Her body, mind and spirit were in a holding pattern, terrified of not knowing what to do next. She was worn out and exhausted which was taking its toll on her adrenals, immune system and her health. She was caught in the illusion of being a victim which was affecting her thyroid.

When I told Megan this, she couldn’t believe it at first. She honestly thought she had explored and healed the emotional concerns about the lack of support structures in her life. Now she realized it was HER that needed rescuing and she wasn’t sure how to go about it. I asked Megan to look at herself in a caring and nonjudgmental way—but when she tried her words became stuck in her throat and she started to cry at all her inadequacies. She couldn’t face the cruel reality she did not respect or love herself.

Some people have no problem knowing what they want from life. But for the rest of us getting in touch with our heart’s desires and having the courage to express them is often a difficult, frustrating and scary process. This is because many of us have never been taught to give to ourselves. We believe we have no right to feel or believe that what matters to us is important. We tend to focus only on the appearances and opinions of others—when this happens, we lose our power, intuition and creativity.

When we start to do deep bodywork, like Reiki, acupressure, massage, etc., we begin the process of becoming grounded in our physical body, we relax which enables us to open up to realms that were hidden within us. At first Megan feared letting go—it meant she could no longer control all the bottled up thoughts and feelings she had kept to herself. How would she cope with them emotionally, once they were uncovered? Would the heaving waters consume her?

People who are ‘cut off at the neck’ don’t like talking about anything painful. They avoid it, quickly changing the topic or minimizing the situation by saying ‘it’s not important anyway’ or ‘I don’t care anymore’. In Megan’s case, she wasn’t allowing herself to feel the hurt; instead she buried the pain inside her, shutting down her power. Unable to assert her own will, she projected it onto others—especially the underdogs.

Megan’s lower chakras were congested and constricted. To loosen this congealed energy, she allowed herself to be placed in the role as a savior to others. She attached herself to those who felt beaten down by life—those who were unable to make a connection to their visions—visions in keeping of her own. Unable to creatively express them herself, she helped others who expressed them for her.

Megan willingly poured her energy, intuition, thoughts and wisdom unto others with the hopes of being admired and recognized by her peers and her community. Instead, she often felt used. People would come to her for advice then communicate it as their own. From a sense of feeling powerful, she felt drained and powerless. She would then find herself getting angry and resentful towards others who felt bewildered by this sudden change of character and most often would abandon her. This made Megan feel she had no value which caused her to abandon herself.

“On an emotional level [the fifth chakra] this chakra governs the aspects of communication, willpower, truthfulness and creativity. . . If we cannot express ourselves through our voice to others, we can become reclusive, shy and retreating in nature. On the other side we can become loud and overly verbal that can cause us to become aggressive, overbearing and deceitful. All these problems can cloud our self expression. . . This can make us hide our true selves away from others.”
From: http://www.pharrah13.com/Chakra.html a wonderful site on the whole chakra system.

We had come full circle to the beginning where Megan said she no longer wanted to be a rescuer. Now, three weeks later, she could see she was willingly sacrificing her soul, lifeforce and integrity to find her Self in others. She was giving with the expectation of receiving and feeling loved and supported by others. As Megan looked and searched at why her expectations fell short, memories of unhealed childhood wounds began to surface.

A wonderful article worth reading is “The Way of the Wounded Healer, by Marilyn Gordon. This just might speak to you. http://www.hypnotherapycenter.com/art_two.html

Children are naturally trusting and when a parent(s) abuses that trust, we begin not to trust ourselves. We’ll go looking for other people to tell us we’re smart but no matter how many times we hear it, we probably won’t believe them—it just doesn’t coincide with our current beliefs of our self.

All this realization didn’t come through one session. It came through many. Different modes of healing, especially Reiki, help to keep the focus of attention on what’s going on right now. With Megan, she discovered the issues she was dealing with right here and what she needed to do to deal with them. She knew she had to stop giving away her power and learn how to give it to herself. When others would ask her for advice, she steered them in the right direction but she let them do the work themselves. This was hard on Megan at first because she loved helping others. Now, she was helping herself.

Megan joined a support group and now teaches some of the programs offered. All the research she compiled and did for others was all filed neatly away in her computer. Since the work was in keeping with her own passions and interests, she rewrote them to create a program and frame of reference for all to share.

Megan still needs to take thyroid medication and most probably will for the rest of her life. When she first started to heal, her thyroxin levels were spiraling up and down like a yoyo. For the past two years, they have stabilized showing us Megan has been learning to heal and balance her life. Way to go Megan!



Awakening Intuition by Mona Liza Schulz has a complete chapter on ‘The Thyroid, Throat and Neck’. Check out her website http://www.drmonalisa.com/

On page 258 Mona Lisa Schulz says…..

“You might have difficulty with the emotions of the fifth chakra center if you find yourself saying things like “Where there’s a will there’s a way”. That popular old saying expresses the wilfullness that can be a hallmark of problems in this area of your life. You’re going to push through and assert your will. What about “I never have a say” or “I don’t have a voice”? Do you have trouble expressing yourself and being heard and understood? Do you often say “Oh all right, we’ll do it your way”? That’s a sign of a compliant, unassertive nature. If you find youself saying any one of these things too often, and if your body’s weak link is somewhere in the neck, you could be setting yourself up for difficulties and disease in the fifth emotional center.”

Awakening Intuition is a great book for anyone wanting to understand the mechanics of the body/mind connection. Mona Lisa Schulz has had her own challenges in healing and openly expresses her illnesses and the messages her body intuitively communicates to her. In the chapter on the thyroid, throat and neck, she openly admits to having the antibodies that indicate Graves’ Disease, “a condition in which the body produces antibodies that stimulate the thyroid action”. Although this condition is in remission Schulz openly confesses…….

“I’ve always had problems related to communication and expressing myself and advancing my heart’s desire. I’ve never wanted to wait or be compliant. All my life, my intuition has spoken to me through the organs of this center (5th chakra) about my need to assert my will and about my impatience or inability to do so. In fact I’m something of a poster child for the fifth emotional center. I’m usually swimming too much in the power column here. I have trouble with communication (especially writing, since I’m Dyslexic); I’m impatient, especially in a car on the highway……and I have a strong will and don’t like limits even if I hit tremendous walls (or trucks). Where do you fit on the scale of expressing versus listening, pushing ahead versus waiting, being willful versus complying?

Alexis (not her real name), is a 42 year old female from Orillia, Ontario. She came to the clinic while visiting a dear and supportive friend, to find healing remedies for her hyperthyroidism. The health center I worked at had weekly workshops for clients who wanted to participate. Each week would be a different discussion with different alternative healers present. This is where Alexis and I first met. During the first part of the workshop, she fidgeted about and couldn’t seem to sit still. At the first break of the night Alexis approached the Naturopath (whom I was standing beside) to book an appointment. We learned that Alexis suffered from sporadic limb movement or restless leg syndrome, high blood pressure and anxiety attacks. She had quite an assertive personality and her speech was rapid with a bit of a stammer. She was a woman with alot of mental activity.

Alexis told us she felt uncomfortable in a group setting. “My stomach feels tight, my heart’s pounds like it’s in my throat and I’ve noticed that at times I hold my breath.” It had taken a lot of courage for her to come with her friend tonight. I could feel Alexis’ aura was charged with a what felt like high voltage electrical circuit. She was like a simmering volcano ready to explode at any moment. Alexis also told us she was premenopausal—her moods she said “quickly soared up and then as quickly plummeted down ”. She was in the winds of hormonal changes. “I know, Alexis said, “I have a really bad temper and if someone just happens to push my buttons I will swear and verbally attack them. In rare instances I have physically attacked someone.”

Alexis was willing to try anything to relieve her intolerable sense of frustration. In desperation she turned to alternative healing as a last resort. She wanted to take responsibility and change her life.

“Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) Constant rushing, trying to pack as much as possible into the day. Inability to organize yourself. Under pressure and stress to achieve. Never enough time. Feeling that if you don’t get things done, the world will collapse. Constant guilt about not doing more. Always there for everyone except yourself.”  THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF YOUR BODY: The Essential Guide to Health and Wellness ~ Inna Segal

The second half of the workshop was on communication and what it is that keeps us from getting through to each other. The guest speaker that night told us the problem stemmed from two sources…..1) being human and 2) forgetting that others are human too. Robots we were told have no emotions no secrets or pre-existing attitudes to distract them. They accept ideas without question and put them into action. Humans on the other hand get annoyed at little things that get in their way, worry too much or feel others cannot be trusted. We either fly off the handle or repress our feelings. Anger is a natural human emotion. So how do we find ways of expressing it constructively and honestly?

In the next section of this blog we’ll learn more about the Throat or 5th chakra known as the creative centre and its affiliation to the the sense of hearing/listening as well as the spoken word. Everyone knows a healthy relationship is one where we feel safe to express anything. To form a relationship of this kind, first we need to form a friendly loving relationship with ourselves.


When overworked, overwhelmed or exhausted, the adrenals, which are closely connected to the sympathetic nervous system, can actually “pull” on the thyroid gland, slowing it down http://www.naturalnews.com/038433_fatigue_adrenal_glands_high_energy.html

Fighting fatigue http://www.naturalnews.com/038433_fatigue_adrenal_glands_high_energy.html


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The Thyroid is an **endocrine gland located at the base of neck on both sides of the windpipe below the larynx or voice box. Symbolically it looks like a butterfly with open wings! On Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thyroid the illustration and information on the thyroid is well done.
The thyroid regulates and influences the various chemical reactions throughout your body. It produces growth hormones, cell regeneration and repair and helps to maintain our metabolism and oxygen levels. It also produces the hormone thyroxine. Thyroxine contains iodine and the thyroid gland cannot produce this hormone unless our diet contains a small amount of iodine. Too little thyroxine or too much can result in disorders such as Goiter and Dwarfism.
Hyperthyroidism means too much thyroxine in the system and hypothyroidism means too little.
(new) “Accumulating evidence suggests that hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis dysfunction is relevant to the pathophysiology and clinical course of bipolar affective disorder. Hypothyroidism, either overt or more commonly subclinical, appears to the commonest abnormality found in bipolar disorder.” Journal of Thyroid Research http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jtr/2011/306367/ 
I suffer from hypothyroidism, which can be misdiagnosed as Chronic Fatigue or Fibromyalgia.  (Now more than ever, studies are being done, as indicated above to examine thyroid dysfunctions and behavioral problems).  If you suspect a thyroid problem, the best way to check to this out is through a laboratory blood test. Unfortunately many patients can have thyroid tests come back normal because most standard tests aren’t sensitive enough to identify an underactive thyroid gland or hypothyroidism.  There is a TRH (Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone) that is much more sensitive than the routine blood tests. and can almost prove beyond a doubt that a person is suffering from an underactive thyroid.  It’s a bit more involved but if the normal test is coming back normal, and you suspect your thyroid ‘s hormones aren’t up to snuff you could at least talk to your doctor about it.
I’ve learned the thyroid gland produces three important hormones, Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) which require iodine and L-tryrosine for their production. These hormones help to regulate and metabolize the cells in our body. As they are released into our blood most of the molecules bind to blood proteins. The third hormone produced by the thyroid is calcitonin. It helps with metabolizing calcium.
The Encyclopedia of nursing and allied health (a very interesting site)http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_gGENH/is_all/ai_2699003787 states…..
The thyroid gland also secretes calcitonin. The thyroid’s C-cells are stimulated to secrete calcitonin when there is a high concentration of calcium in the blood stream. The function of calcitonin is to inhibit the amount of resorption of calcium from the bone and to regulate the amount of calcium in the blood stream.”
This site also talks of T3, T4 and TSH. The pituitary is the master gland of the endocrine system. It controls the release of thyroid hormones by releasing a ‘thyroid stimulating hormone’ also known as TSH.
**The endocrine glands (“chemical messengers”) produce and release hormones directly into our bloodstream. Hormones influence our height, and build, sexual activity, mental sharpness, ability to respond to stress and so much more! We discuss more about this in the metaphysical section of the thyroid.
Before we continue, I’d like to interject here a moment before going on, that I’ve learnt something interesting in regard to metabolic and thyroid issues.  Apparently throughout history people ate foods that were available and in season, after all they had no other choice.  For instance, winter time is a time of warm, cooked foods and the ever-famous chicken noodle soup; we enjoy turnips, and even winter squash and finish our dinners with a nice warm pudding or apple pie. But now, thanks to transportation (ships, trains), we can get spring, summer, fall and winter foods all year long.  Apparently this can cause problems with people who suffer from thyroid  and low basal body temperatures…consuming cold, raw foods during winter may affect thyroid function.  Same too can be said about eating too many hot meals in the middle of summer.
We’re in spring now, the vegetables and fruits that are at their peak are asparagus, blackberries, green onions, leeks, lettuces, new potatoes, peas, red radishes, rhubarb, spinach, strawberries and watercress. Depending on where you live, you could probably add to this and the other seasons too.
Summer is a time of apricots, blueberries, cherries, eggplant, fresh herbs, green beans, hot peppers, melon, okra, peaches, plums, sweet corn, sweet peppers, tomatoes and zucchini. 
Fall is when apples come into season, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, collards, grapes, kale, pears, persimmons pumpkins, winter squash and yams.
Winter of course is when we bundle up and enjoy beets, cabbage, carrots, citrus fruits radishes, onions rutabagas, turnips and winter squash.
Unfortunately, I can’t list ‘all’ foods, however, depending on where you live, you could find a list of fruits and vegetables that are categorized for each season.  If you do suffer from thyroid problems, perhaps try foods that are in season for a month and see if you feel more energetic, flexible and look healthier too.  If you do, tell us about it!
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism almost 12 years ago. I started showing symptoms of this dis-ease when beginnning a new job after being a stay at home mom for 11 years. The first signs were heart palpitations and achiness all over my body. When visiting the doctor it was ‘assumed’ I was premenopausal . I wore a heart monitor for a 24 hour period which revealed the upper chamber of the heart was ‘fluttering’……”no cause for concern”, the doc said. My body was also going through temperature changes and mood shifts. The next stage was feeling lethargic and tired almost all of the time. No matter how much sleep, I was always tired, sensitive and on edge, ready to pounce on anyone or anything that got in my way. Waking, I was cold, my eyes and face puffy…no matter how much cream put on my skin, it was extremly dry and flaky. I was a mess!
From advice of friends and family who knew all these moods and changes were out of character, I returned to the doctor’s office. A blood test was taken and revealed my thryoxine levels were extremely low. 50 mcg’s of Levothyroxine Sodium was prescribed. Just four days after taking this, my whole system started balancing itself out. I felt like myself again! Not wanting to be on a drug for life, I discovered L-Tryosine, iodine and high levels of B vitamins were good to change the levels of thryosine (T4) in my system. Trying these, I took myself off of the Levothyroxine and was able to manage without it for two years. During this time, I discovered that the hypothalamus monitors our blood level of T3 and T4. If low the Hypothalamus sends a message via the thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) to the pituitary which then sends its message with the thryoid stimulating hormone (TSH) through the bloodstream. I was amazed at the body’s ability to replenish and repair itself. And so began my journey and initiation into the healing profession. However. the body cannot do it all alone. We are composed of a body, a mind and a spirit. Change one and the others (mental, emotional, spirit) have to adjust to create a balance. Not only was this a new perspective on how and why my body does the things it does, I was also learning how my feelings and beliefs were creating the life I was living.
If the thyroid test had revealed hyperthyryoidism, symptoms include a faster heart rate, hypersensitivity, weight loss, insominia, nervousness, muscle pain, etc.. The hypothalamus would try to reduce or stop TRH which would lower TSH and consequently diminsh the production of thyroid hormone.
Of the many websites I searched, this one “Thyroid Disease and Risk Symptoms” by Mary Shomon http://thyroid.about.com/od/symptomsrisks/a/symptomsrisks.htm on About.com is simply explained and extensive on listing symptoms of hypo and hyperthyroidism. I highly recommend it. She also has a Thryoid Forum allowing you communicate and learn from others. In fact there are many Thyroid Forums which I’ll list at the bottom of this blog.
http://thyroid.about.com/cs/basics_starthere/a/symptoms.htm in this section Mary Shomon goes into great depth to describe the symptoms, for hypo and hyperthyroidism.
Here is a list of the basic symptoms for both Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism from Mary Shomon’s site
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism (An underactive thyroid)
feeling run down and sluggish
difficulty concentrating, brain fog
unexplained or excessive weight gain
dry, coarse and/or itchy skin
dry, coarse and/or thinning hair
feeling cold, especially in the extremities
muscle cramps
increased menstrual flow
more frequent periods
Symptoms of Hyperthryodisim (An overactive thyroid)
increased perspiration
thinning of your skin
fine brittle hair
muscular weakness especially involving the upper arms and thighs
shaky hands
panic disorder
racing heart
more frequent bowel movements
weight loss despite a good appetite
lighter flow, less frequent menstrual periods
Also, she has created a list of great questions that you can print out and answer to take to your doctor. http://thyroid.about.com/cs/basics_starthere/a/hypochecklist.htm I commend her on the depth of research and hard work!
I never realized the importance of the thyroid until recently. This gland is not only involved in keeping our hormones aligned, it also keeps all the organs in the body balanced and running smoothly. It also regulates our metabolism, heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature.
An illness in the body could indicate a thyroid problem. Also, if your autoimmune system is out of whack this can also be the thyroid. Hormone failure can also indicate problems with the thyroid, adrenals and ovaries. Thyroid dysfunction is NOT something to ignore. If you suspect a problem, please check it out before more harm is done.
Another link to this page is the infiltration of exposure to harmful chemicals which have been linked to thyroid problems. From the moment of conception our children have been accumulating chemicals in their body. It may take years or decades before exposure to chemical products may cause harm to the thyroid as well as cancer, behavioral problems, learning difficulties and hormone imbalances and infertility or sterility problems.
Children are entering puberty at the tender of age of 8 and the girls first menstrual period is beginning under the age of 12! Hand-made chemicals are mimicking hormones and disturbing the natural hormone balance of the human body. Soy products are escalating estrogen levels 6 to 11 times higher in children than an adult, causing early sexual development.
This gland is also critical to ‘fetal brain development’. At the bottom of this blog is a link to a site that suggests ADD/ADHD can be linked to poor thyroid function. Children born to mothers with low thyroid hormone levels have been shown to have trouble with motor skills, coordination and other psychomotor functions.
In ancient times, the thyroid was considered a sex gland and described as ‘the third ovary’. (more on this later)
*”Hypothyroidism can actually cause the body to reject a fetus.  Broda O. Barnes, M.D., a pioneer in hypothyroidism research, found a link between hypothyroidism and miscarriage.  Of 301 female hypothyroid patients in his practice, 164 had miscarriages.  In treating the women, he found that successful conception and pregnancies often correlated with times when the women were taking thyroid supplements….
The thyroid gland, in addition to causing infertility if it is underactive can also influence reproduction through its antibodies.  In a recent study, the presence of a thyroid antibody (thyroglobulin or TG, an iodine-bearing secretion) was shown to have an association with a risk of early miscarriage.” Burton Goldberg ~ Women’s Health Series
Cholesterol is a slippery, waxy substance….it exists in every cell of the body. Without it we wouldn’t be able to digest our food.
“Cholesterol is assuredly a vital bodily substance. Without it you cannot grow, you cannot digest your foood, you cannot mature, and you will die. Cholesterol may also be a potent antioxidant that scavenges and protects against harmful free radicals. It may even be one our natural defences against those factors that cause arterial damage. Other defences include Vitamins A, C, E, B-1, B-6, Beta carotene, niacin, pantothenic acid, chromium, manganese, selenium and zinc. These are all vitamins and minerals which we cannot produce interally and must get from our diet. If we do not get enough of them, then the body may have to work overtime to produce one of the few internal self defences it can manufacture — cholesterol. When one supplements his/her diet with ample amounts of antixoidant and free radical scavenging nutrients, elevated cholesterol levels often return to normal.
High Cholesterol is not a disease. It is a symptom of insults to our bodies through lack of exercise and improper diet. If we correct the causes of those insults, then cholesterol levels tend to normalize themselves — safely and naturally.
If high cholesterol levels do not normalize themselves in response to reducing sugar intake, increasing dietary fibre, regular exercise, and supplementary antioxidents, then there is one other factor to consider — low thyroid function.”
David W. Rowland, PhD
If you suspect ‘low’ thyroid function even though your blood test came back normal, this may be why……..
“There is considerable evidence, however, that blood tests fail to detect many cases of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). It appears that many individuals have “tissue resistance” to thyroid hormone. Therefore, their body may need more thyroid hormone, even though the amount in their blood is normal (or even on the high side of normal). A low axillary temperature suggests (but does not prove) hypothyroidism. Optimal temperature regulation is an essential aspect of holistic therapy for these disorders.”
This site also describes using a basal thermometer test upon waking in the morning. When you first wakeup, before getting out of bed, place this thermometer under harm and hold it there for about fifteen minutes. There is also a basal chart on this article for you to write down your findings. A temperature of 97.6 or lower could indicate an underactive thyroid.
If you type in (thyroid) basal thermometer on google you’ll get thousands of hits on this subject and a wealth of information.
Hyperthyroid can cause a condition called Graves Disease. This disease is where the body produces antibodies which stimulate the thyroid into action.
“……’Graves’ disease. This condition afflicts a great many people. In this disease, the thyroid gland enlarges and releases too much thyroid hormone. The person can become restless and overactive, and the heart often races.
How Can Thyroid Problems Affect The Eye?
People with excess thyroid hormones (Graves’ disease) can develop many eye problems. One characteristic symptom is a protrusion of the eye (exophthalmos), in which the person appears to be staring or the eyelids tend to pull back from the eye. The tissues and muscles around the eye appear swollen, and this swelling (or edema) contributes to the eye protruding. In this state the eye can become dangerously dry, resulting in damage to or ulceration of the cornea, the clear outer covering of the eye. The person may also experience double vision. In severe cases, the optic nerve connecting the eye to the brain may become damaged, leading to blindness.”
Also, high estrogen levels can affect the thyroid. Adding progesterone cream has been known to decrease your need for thyroid supplements. So estrogen and progesterone and thyroid hormones are somehow connected. And….hormone balance is also linked to osteoporosis, which we’ll discuss in a another section of this blog.
“Estrogen causes food calories to be stored as fat. Thyroid hormone causes fat calories to be turned into usable energy. Thyroid hormone and estrogen have opposing actions. The “central command post” of this opposition may be in the hypothalamus, the pituitary, the thyroid gland, or the body cells where the hormones enact their destined roles. My hypothesis is that estrogen inhibits thyroid action in the cells, probably interfering with the binding of thyroid to its receptor. Both hormones have phenol rings at a corner of their molecule. Estrogen may compete with thyroid hormone at the site of its receptor. In so doing, the thyroid hormone may never complete its mission, creating the hypothyroid symptoms despite normal serum levels of thyroid hormone. Progesterone on the other hand, increases sensitivity of estrogen receptors for estrogen and yet, at the proper level, inhibits many of estrogen’s side effects. That is what is mean when we say that progesterone opposes estrogen: The lack of progesterone in a woman still making estrogen or taking estrogen supplements leads to the condition of unopposed estrogen……….patients with unopposed estrogen (progesterone-deficient) become less so when progesterone is added and hormone balance is attained.”
John R. Lee, M.D. with Virginia Hopkins, “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause”
Another disease of the thyroid is called Hashimoto‘s thyroiditis, it is where the body creates antibodies against the cells of the thyroid gland.
Hashimoto’s, antibodies react against proteins in the thyroid gland, causing gradual destruction of the gland itself, and making the gland unable to produce the thyroid hormones the body needs.
A ‘Goiter’ (another thyroid problem) is an abnormal enlargment of the thyroid gland. The body’s neck may appear swollen and this can create the sensation of being unable to breathe, hoarseness, food seems stuck in the throat and coughing. It is caused by a shortage of iodine in the diet. With iodized salt introduced back in the 1920’s, this disease isn’t as prevalent as it was back at this time.
CNN has a wealth of information in their health library. Here’s one on the thyroid/Goiter.
1) A family history of thyroid problems
2) Depression
3) Autoimmune disease
4) Chronic Fatigue
5) Weight Problems
My family genetics suffers from most of the above. My brother had his thyroid removed 10 years ago due to a serious disease called thyroid toxicosis or thyrotoxicosis. A couple of the many symptoms of thyrotoxicosis is excessive sweating as well as weight loss. Gary couldn’t tolerate the intense summer rays in the summer……within moments his body and clothes were dripping wet. This is a hyperthyroidism condition.
As you know, I suffer from hypothyroidism. So did my father. Dad suffered from insomnia, high cholesterol, constipation, tiredness and too many other symptoms to mention. My father was in the Armed Forces and suffered a heart attack at the young age of 18 when his plane suddenly took a dive and his body slammed against the navigation controls he was managing. Given an honorable discharge, he was hospitalized in a military hospital where he came down with scarlet fever which caused muscle damage to his heart. His immune system became stressed, exhausted and worn out, causing his thyroid levels to decrease. Suffering the embarrassment and anger of an early discharge, my father sank into states of depression and suffered a nervous breakdown. For years he couldn’t assert or express his repressed emotions. He literally lost his voice. It wasn’t until he started a personal development program that he learned to express, write and bring into focus his past guilt, inadequacy, and painful emotions and let them go. He not only healed his wounds but also discovered his many hidden gifts and talents.
My father was the first to teach me about self expression as a tool for self help as well as spiritual growth and understanding. In the next section we’ll learn the underlying meanings of thyroid problems, its affiliation to the 5th chakra and throat area as well as how this area affects the body energetically.
There seems to be a a connection to hypothyroidism, being left handed or ambidextrous. This interested me greatly because I am left handed and about 60% of the thyroid sufferers who visited an alternative clinic I worked at were either ambidextrous or left handed.
Bloodline Family Members at Risk. Since the most common type of thyroid gland failure is this inherited condition, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, examinations of the members of your bloodline family may reveal other individuals with thyroid problems. [Example: In the 28 family members of my personal blood line, we are as follows: One with celiac disease, one with multiple sclerosis, three with rheumatoid arthritis and seven with hypothyroidism; two with arthritis and 1 with celiac disease also have hypothyroidism as their single autoimmune condition; one of the relatives with arthritis also had gallstones; none of us write left-handed; however, all of us with hypothyroidism are ambidextrous.]
This interesting site by Victoria Anisman-Reiner, B.Sc., C.C.A., http://naturalmedicine.suite101.com/article.cfm/causes_of_thyroid_disease states…
“Certain foods have been shown to inhibit the effect of thyroid hormones on the body. These include vegetables from the Brassica family: kale, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, and mustard (the greens and the seeds or condiment).
Soy, wintergreen, turnips and walnuts may also be a problem to those vulnerable to low thyroid. Tobacco (although it’s not part of anyone’s “diet”, per se) and sugar have also been shown to have a negative impact on thyroid health.
Because of the thyroid’s connection to the immune system, people with allergies may find that the allergens to which their bodies react can affect thyroid health, as well.”
Drinking too much coffee can have an adverse affect on the thyroid as well as too much consumption of the ‘Mint’ family (basil, bugleweed, catnip, lavender, lemon balm, marjoram, motherwort, oregano, peppermint, rosemary, spearmint. thyme.)
Here are links to the dangers of Soy products
Thyroid cancer and soy
Soy, the unsuspected problems with thyroid
Thyroid disease and soy
DRUGS and the Thyroid
It’s only been the last 10 or 15 years, doctors have learnt more about the adverse reactions to Estrogen supplements and creams. Water retention, weight gain, cancer, osteoporosis, thyroid problems, strokes and other symptoms screamed for recognition.
I just found this web page http://www.vitalitymagazine.com/node/1630 which is extensive on thyroid conditions and treating them naturally. It’s a gold mine of information!
In this informative page, written by Michael Vertolli, clinical herbalist…..
“The factors that can contribute to thyroid dysfunction include:
(1) Psychological stress: This is significantly affected not only by the number and intensity of potentially stressful factors in our life, but more significantly by our strategies for dealing with stress which ultimately determine the degree to which these factors affect us. Personality factors are also important, such as being high-strung, extremely ambitious or aggressive, or a tendency to experience a lot of anger also tend to create significantly more stress in our life.
(2) Dietary factors: Excess consumption of sea vegetables, iodized salt, tyrosine supplements and stimulants such as caffeine can contribute to hyperthyroidism. Excessive consumption of raw vegetables and herbs from the Mustard family (e.g. arugala, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, rapini, etc.) and Mint family (e.g. basil, bugleweed, catnip, lavender, lemon balm, marjoram, motherwort, oregano, peppermint, rosemary, spearmint, thyme, etc.) and soy products, and deficiencies of iodine, zinc and vitamins A, B2, B3, B6 and E can contribute to hypothyroidism.
(3) Drugs: Estrogen therapies opium derived drugs can contribute to hyperthyroid, while androgens, corticosteroids and salicylates may be implicated in hypothyroid.
(4) Exercise: Lack of exercise can contribute to both hyper- and hypothyroidism, as can insufficient sleep.
(5) Toxicity: Many toxins can bind to hormone receptor sites resulting in negative health consequences. Also of particular importance for thyroid function is radioactive iodine which is a by-product of nuclear fission from power plants and weapons testing. Iodine is an important component of thyroid hormone and these substances tends to be found in the highest concentrations in our thyroid.
(6) Autoimmune factors: Many cases of both hyper- and hypothyroidism have an autoimmune component. Psychological and toxic stress are major factors contributing to the development of autoimmune conditions.
(7) Tumours: Cysts and tumours of the thyroid can result in hyper- and hypothyroidism. One of the major causes of tumours in this organ is radioactive iodine.
(8) Iatrogenic causes: Post-therapeutic hypothyroidism can occur from over-zealous treatment of hyperthyroidism resulting in destruction or removal of too much thyroid tissue.
Foods and herbs from the Mustard and Mint families are very nutritious and many have important medicinal properties. Regular consumption of these plants will not lead to underactive thyroid function unless other factors are also involved, particularly iodine deficiency, which is rare since the advent of iodized salt. Only those who already have hypothyroidism need be concerned. In these cases foods from the Mustard family should be reduced, but not eliminated from the diet and only eaten cooked. Spices and herbs from the Mint family aren’t as much of a concern because they aren’t consumed in as large a quantity. However, regular consumption of herbal products containing bugleweed, motherwort and lemon balm should be avoided.”
Thyroid Disease Linked to Flouride and Toxic Chemicals
Our children are at risk of developing thyroid problems in their later years through toxic chemicals in the air, some plastic bottles and cups as well as flouride. Thyroid cancer has been on the rise since 1995; we need to be more vigilant in learning more about what chemicals are used in household products that can be a risk to ourselves and especially our children. If the body is unable to release the accumulated toxins we are facing chronic situations that can affect the health and well being of the human physical body. These toxins can continue to aggravate and persist even after the toxins seem to have gone. We may no longer become conscious of them but they could manifest as an illness in later life.
Also, our children are fighting stressful conditions of obesity which is reaching epidemic proportions. Not only are they at risk of developing diabetes but other health problems as well.
Doctors have long suspected a link between weight gain and certain cancers, including colon and breast cancers. But the new study, published Friday in the journal Lancet, suggests it could also increase chances for cancer of the esophagus, thyroid, kidney, uterus and gall bladder, among others……
In men, an average weight gain of 33 pounds increased the risk of esophageal cancer by 52 percent, thyroid cancer by 33 percent, and colon and kidney cancers each by 24 percent, the research found.
In women, a weight gain of 29 pounds increased the risk of cancer in the uterus and gall bladder by nearly 60 percent, esophagus by 51 percent and kidney by 34 percent, the study said.
It may seem to make sense that being overweight is connected to a low metabolism or possibly even a condition such as underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). But it’s actually uncommon for excess weight to be related to a low metabolism. Still, seeing your doctor can help to determine if a medical condition could be influencing your weight.
The recent report from Environmental Defence found alarmingly high levels of bisphenol A – also known as BPA – in of some of the most popular plastic baby bottles sold across Canada. As a result, parents are unknowingly putting their babies at risk.
BPA is known to mimic estrogen and has been linked to early puberty in girls, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, and obesity.
“Any baby that’s drinking out of these bottles is going to be ingesting this toxic chemical every time they take a sip,” warned Rick Smith, Executive Director of Environmental Defence.
“This chemical has been linked to thyroid problems in later life, breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.”
Fluoride has been a regular addition to tap water all over North America for some time, but recently its presence has been causing a little extra stir.
That’s mainly because of a 2007 Health Canada panel that recommended the fluoride levels in water be reduced. The drug, which is said to help remineralize the enamel in teeth, thus helping to prevent cavities, has been tentatively linked to a rare type of bone cancer like the type
Terry Fox had, not to mention the possibility of reduced intelligence in children and impaired thyroid functionality.
Patients with ADD are also known to have a substantially higher incidence of thyroid hormone resistance resulting in impaired performance on an auditory discrimination task. T3, the active form of thyroxine (the hormone produced by the thyroid), is very difficult to measure accurately. Inadequate T3 activity can result in diminished brain function.
The Thyroid Gland and Learning Difficulties – http://www.ldanatl.org/hcp.asp this article is a ‘must read’.
Thyroid disease is common, and its effects on the gastrointestinal system are protean, affecting most hollow organs http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20351569
Celiac disease and autoimmune thyroid disease http://gut.bmj.com/content/35/6/844
Supportive and informative Thyroid Forums
Thyroid Cancer forums
Thyroid Forum free E-Book
Thyroid Disease Active Low-Carber Forum
to be continued…..***

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“Both CFS and FM make you stop, whether with exhaustion or pain or both.  If you have either of these illnesses, there is little doubt you will spend some time resting.  This is an important factor in your bodymind understanding.  A large number of people affected by these types of illnesses—and there are many variations—are high-flyers already climbing their career ladders.  If so, you may well be stressed, and this will certainly strain the immune system.  But it may also be that you are going in a direction that is not true to your inner nature—as if you are going against the grain or against your spirit.  And then you get stopped.” Deb Shapiro YOUR BODY SPEAKS YOUR MIND

Do you think you have chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia? The only reason I ask is because hypothyroidism can be missed with these illnesses. In Fibromyalgia for Dummies, Dr. Staub mentions that a low thyroid function leads to fatigue and also causes painful and aching muscles. I experienced this a few years back when I became premenopausal. I also had trouble maintaining my body temperature, my skin became dry and I suffered from heart palpitations. Also high estrogen levels can affect the thyroid. To get a proper diagnosis, I highly recommend taking a thyroid blood test. By the way, some auto immune disorders can be yeast related too.

Maybe, like me, you have both! But if it is just your thyroid, taking a synthyroid drug will diminish a lot of the above symptoms. When I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, within a week of taking the medication I felt a lot better. Hypothyroidism has also been known to mimic menopause. With fibromyalgia, there is unfortunately no quick cure. Not yet, anyways.

I consider myself a very spiritual person. As I look at all the different patterns of my life emerging, I’m starting to see that spirituality was initially a form of escape. It was a form of disassociation and a defense from avoiding some of the more painful experiences in my life. Having a spiritual consciousness does not make you immune to dis-ease. This was a huge lesson for me to understand. What spirituality does do however is provide you with certain tools to understand and work with an illness. I’ve also learned that spiritual development is about learning to treat the whole self with love, respect and attention. It means giving the body the things it needs to be healthy.

One of the greatest tools that continually helps me on my journey is astrology. It has taught me to dive into my emotions and feelings. It has shown me emotions are an essential source of personal power. On a physical level it says ‘there’s a real world out there, and you’re in it’. Astrology helps us to find our own individuality and compass in life. North, East, West and South = NEWS! It’s definable and measurable and it never lies. It helps us to nurture and understand ourselves and evolve to higher levels of understanding. When this happens the healing process begins.

Accepting an illness means we have to do something about it. It makes us stop and take notice of something gone wrong that needs our attention. If we don’t we tend to feel powerless to face the challenges ahead. Instead we face whatever happens, happens….we become a ‘victim’ instead of empowering and healing ourselves. We cannot run away or try to suppress it….pain is real and there are times we have to learn to live with it. The pain itself will teach us what to do, that’s if we ‘listen’ and stay mindful of it. Accepting what is, takes time and patience to initiate.

Our body and spirit goes through many cycles of cooperating and compromising. When this happens, there is less tension. Our bodies and our health is in a constant flux of change. It’s up to us to continually work at keeping it balanced. To heal, we must turn back the tide and use our own initiative, will and spirit to get well. Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Hypothyroidism are all auto immune diseases. This literally means your body is under attack from itself!! It’s as if our body and soul are at war with each other. So how do we find peace within ourselves?

When I learnt Reiki, I discovered there were three levels to each initiation. Reiki I, represents the body, Reiki II, the mind/emotions, Reiki III the Spirit. Learning and understanding what FM was, took me through three different `stages.

From my Reiki I Manual…

The Reiki attunement awakens our abilities to feel, hear, touch, smell and live again. It takes us back into our bodies and jolts us back to life. A body that reawakens and allows the spirit to feel grounded and connected within a solid structure. Our body is our best friend and lifetime companion. Yet it really is an automated machine that willingly obeys and acts out our every thought, feeling, word and desire. Reiki rebuilds the energetic system of the body. It reconnects our emotions to our spirit and our spirit to our body, helping us to rebuild a stronger foundation and a healthier body.

Anatomically, the 1st Chakra relates to physical body support. The 2nd Chakra represents our emotions. We’ll be covering the chakras and their meanings shortly.

The First Initiation – The Body

This was when I started looking seriously at my diet and my intake of processed foods, alcohol, caffeine and sugar. Sugar, I discovered really aggravated my FM. I try to avoid sugar, especially at night and carbonated beverages as well as juices.

In the morning, I haven’t been able to give up my first cup of coffee. Ohh, that’s a must! If I need more of the ‘taste’ of coffee, a decaffeinated works just as well. And besides, too much caffeine definitely stimulates our nervous system and exhausts our adrenal glands. These are the glands of emotion and help us to survive through sudden emergencies, releasing energy and vitality into our body. Without them we’d surely die.

Also, I mentioned about salts in the previous post and I have found myself craving for chips, salted nuts, pretzels, etc. So it does seem, my blood pressure must dip at certain times when FM strikes and knocks me down. I’ve also craved dark chocolate and have discovered dark chocolate is actually good for CFS and FM, as it work as an antioxidant as well as an anti inflammatory. The darker the chocolate the better! Oh and not the whole bar (aw sucks)…..a piece a day is sufficient.

Three meals a day is good practice and also increasing your fiber intake. Fiber can actually cleanse the body by absorbing toxins and moving them out of our system…re the bowels.

Foods and cleansers that contain preservatives and chemicals are also known to magnify FM symptoms. Even wheat, corn, soya, dairy products and citrus fruits can aggravate FM. Also, be aware of artificial sweeteners, sulfites, MSG and food coloring. These are toxic!!

Magnesium is essential for muscle and tissue and requires calcium for proper assimilation. Magnesium cannot be stored in the body for long periods and therefore we need to supplement our diet regularly with it. Magnesium is an alkaline mineral.

Special note: Drinking too much milk can lead to a magnesium deficiency! Milk contains high amounts of Calciferol (synthetic Vit D) which actually withdraws magnesium out of our bloodstream. Also, if you’re taking a Vitamin D supplement, make sure its coming from a natural source.

“Theories suggest that the root cause of fibromyalgia is an imbalance somewhere in the body. For example, people with fibromyalgia generally have low levels of serotonin the hormone known as the pain messenger. A deficiency of magnesium, which can cause achy joints, has also linked to the condition. There is also belief that people with fibromyalgia have high levels of toxins in the blood.” Debora Yost

Read the labels of everything you buy and notice how you feel when you eat certain foods. I learned that a high intake of protein lowers our calcium and magnesium in the body. I also discovered carbohydrates enhance them. By observing what we eat, brings our body into balance. Once the needs of our body are met, then its ‘whole’ can be addressed.

CFS and FM symptoms can also be minimized by mild exercise. Even when you just want to curl up in a ball, find a way to get up and keep moving. Don’t fall into self pity, believe me, it only makes it worse. Also, muscles that aren’t used, tend to lose their stretch and eventually shorten. Stretching exercises are great in putting elasticity back into our muscles.

Don’t get discouraged if you can’t do an exercise all the way. You will. Don’t strain or rush. I had to train myself to work slowly and smoothly without jerking or bouncing. Slowly you can build from a 10 or 15 minute workout to a half an hour. Take your time. Most of us with FM and CFS have a tendency to ‘over extend’ ourselves, I know I do. Now we’re learning to nurture ourselves and pace our movements.

Have you looked into practices such as tai chi, Qi chong, water aerobics, walking or yoga. Natural endorphins are released during exercise and help with pain relief. It also keeps our joints limber. Physical exercise also pushes fluid through our lymph system which helps to move waste through our bodies.

Posture is very important. I’ve become aware of slumping as well as jutting my head forward, especially at my desk at work. Being a dispatcher for a busy courier company, I don’t always have time to do a regular ‘body check’. The problem is, when the phone calls quieten down, this is when I really start to notice how I’m sitting and of course feeling my pain.

My greatest tension is in the neck area. This is where I’m learning to to be aware of and break old physical habits, like jamming the phone between my neck and shoulders and trying to do several tasks at once. I’ve also noticed when putting my mascara on in the morning, I have a tendency to tilt my neck back, which overstretches the muscles in the front and compresses the vertebrae in my neck.

The most vulnerable neck muscle is the trapezius http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trapezius_muscle it runs from the base of the skull down the back of the where where it fans out to the shoulders blades and spine. This is a nasty one for me!

Also look at the sternomastoid. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sternocleidomastoid_muscle ohh when tense, this is the muscle that can also affect the face, ears and jaw. It supports the neck to the side and front where the trapezius controls the front and back. Schrunching our heads and neck to the telephone strains and tenses both these muscles. Also mental stress, depression and anger can tense these muscles up without us even noticing.

Another major symptom these muscles can create when stiff/tense is the feeling of being off balance and feeling dizzy…..they have also been the cause of unexplained fainting.  The sternomastoid when affected can send pain deep into the ear and to the eye and the sinuses.  This muscle can make your teeth hurt and the root of your tongue hurt.  Sometimes it can cause a chronic cough or sore throat, I’ve met many people with FM who have had these symptoms and yet their doctor flatly refused to believe muscle tension was the cause.

The inner ear acts as a guidance system for focussing and tracking of the eyes.  The sternomastoid when extremely taut or overstretched can affect the inner ear as well as the eyes, causing blurred or double vision.

Where do you hold tension in the body? What muscles feel tense and taut? Make a note of the areas and then search wikipedia or other informative sites. Learn how the muscles in your body work.

“The muscles enable all the bodily systems to function, such as circulation, digestion, breathing and nerve impulses.  Their freedom of movment is essential for optimum health.  When the muscles are restricted, whether through tension, tightness, or lack of tone, your energy will be unable to flow smoothly, and you may suffer from related problems.  Stress release and emotional expression are therefore essential for muscle ease.  Exercise is also vital–it not only releases muscular tension but psycho/emotional tension as well.” Deb Shaprio YOUR BODY SPEAKS YOUR MIND

Vitamin A and E as well as essential fatty acids and a good calcium/magnesium supplement could help your CFS and FM. Your body will guide you to what works and what doesn’t. What works for someone else, might not work for you. As mentioned earlier, CFS and FM is a multi symptom disorder; to treat it we need a multi faceted approach.

Barley greens are ten times richer in calcium than milk. I was astonished to learn that. To absorb magnesium in our bodies we need calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B6, C and D as well as a normal intake of protein. For my body size I require about 50 grams of protein a day.

I found this really great site http://www.immunesupport.com/understanding_cfids/ It also has chat rooms and newsletters on FM and CFS.

Reiki, acupuncture, ‘light’ massage, therapeutic touch, homeopathic medicines as well as reflexology all help to minimize the pain of CFS and FM. Shiatsu (pressure points) is also good in helping to move blocked and toxic energy.

I’ve found aromatherapy oils, chamomile, lavender and sage help to soothe the muscles. They’re great in the bath or add a drop to your favorite body lotion. Epson salt baths help to draw out pain from our aching muscles.

There are a lot of great sites on natural herbs and vitamins to use to relieve the symptoms or pain of CFS and FM. Part 3 of Chronic Fatique and Fibromyalgia addresses how healing is related to the mind. It explores our emotions as well as the body/mind connection. Exploring the complexities of the Self, starts setting us apart from everyone else.

CFS and FM seem to be an internal battle; to heal we need to STOP and listen to our internal struggles, our judgements and how our belief system thinks our life should be. We need to look at our habits and routines; as well as put aside what we think other people expect of us and tap into and identify with our true nature.

Do you think FM and CFS could also be related to our high-tech world? Is this a form of disconnection from the rhythms of Nature. Have we allowed our bodies to become immobilized, tense and frozen.?

Technology has allowed us to expand our minds, our self expression and group awareness. Its invisible webbing urging us towards greater connectedness. But…..

“We tend to think of the rational as a higher order,
but it is the emotional that marks our lives”
Merle Shane

Scientists link processed foods to autoimmune disorder http://www.trueactivist.com/scientists-officially-link-processed-foods-to-autoimmune-disease/

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